Dog dreaming of being an Olympic athlete? Get down and run And will there be any problem? According to the National Sleep Foundation, our dogs spend 12 to 14 hours a day napping. And we may have experienced symptoms where they twitch a little. Or softly while they were sleeping, right? And you might think that they must be dreaming about something. But is the dog really dreaming? Or is it by accident?

Can dogs dream?

The answer to this question has been cited by many researchers: Can dogs dream Matt Wilson, a neuroscientist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) once described in PetMD that dogs have the same sleeping structure as humans.

Dogs, like humans and other mammals, sleep in a REM (Rapid Eye Movement) state, the stage of human sleep in which dreams occur. The brain is at a fairly high level of work during this time. Dreams about dogs are the same as we do. And we humans also have a brain structure called Pons Varolli, which controls muscle weakness to prevent body expression during dreams. Dogs also have this type of brain structure for the same reason: Protect your body from the action of your dreams.

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What do dogs dream?

Brain anatomy of humans and dogs is very similar during sleep. But what about the dog dream? There have been experiments with rats sleeping, and the results show that their dreams have a lot to do with real-world experiences. Although dog studies in particular have not been established, Wilson and other researchers believe that dreams about dogs are also based on common everyday activities, such as dreaming of hanging out or barking. cat. Hanging out of the window. Rather, it was an excerpt and put together in a dream, leaving the story fragmentary. This is normal in dreams, and it is not always clear and smooth when we think again upon waking up. And there’s one thing that researchers have predicted most often dogs dream of: Its lovable owner.

Dream and express what is normal

Foot twitching, whining and grinding of teeth. This can happen while the dog is asleep in REM stage. This is very common. Don’t worry Dogs tend to move slightly while sleeping. So, even though something weird like “sleep running” is considered normal for the sleeping pattern. If you feel your dog is moving too much Or having a seizure while sleeping, talk to your veterinarian to make sure everything is fine in your dream world.

Is it possible to wake up a dog in a dream?

Waking up your dog while he is asleep during the REM cycle will not injure him but may frighten him. If your dog is constantly frightened or aggressive. It is best to let it sleep better.