Check readiness before you feed your dog

Believe that people who want to keep dogs have different reasons. Raising a friend to relieve loneliness Raising a house, etc. Raising a dog is neither easy nor too bad. An important factor to consider is self-testing how ready you are.

The little dog That we see in the store Or in the dog cafes It looks cute, wants to come in and catches. Some people have the idea of ​​wanting to add more members to the house to create color. And the funnier atmosphere Some people want them to be friends when they’re lonely. Or to take care of the home Everyone’s reasons are different. When you know your needs The next important thing is to “Self-Discover” a dog’s readiness. What are some things that need to be considered?

Study of species

This is the first and foremost thing. First you should ask yourself which type of dog you are best suited for. And then we started to study the species that we were really interested in. For example, what are the habits of this breed? Which area should be raised? Do you enjoy running or being active? The reason we recommend doing research in advance is because When you decide to choose he is a part of your family. You must also be aware of his personality. Not only does he find him cute, but also wants Dogs not always small. He must have grown up and lived with you for many years. So ask yourself. First of all, I want to have a party because I really love it. Or just because I want to take pictures and show off that I have a dog too.

Family members

The story of the family, here is not even a trivial matter. That would be a pretty big story. Because if we bring the dog into the house without consulting first May cause problems later At this point, the parents of your friends Some people may not understand why we need to add tablets. Therefore, before bringing the dog into the house Understand or explain to a family member what we want to feed. Even if there are old people or children in the house of a friend, it will not be suitable for a rather tall and active dog. ‘Cause he can see grandma and grandma until he falls Or he could hurt the little one in the house But if you really want to feed. Instead, you can try switching to a small breed.

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Acreage and acreage

If the first and second decision has been passed Later, it is a matter of our home area, if your friends choose to adopt a small dog, there won’t be much problem in this regard. Because small dogs can live and play in confined spaces. But if you decide you want to adopt and like large breed dogs You have to think a little bit, then your friends How to solve this problem? If the area around the house is not large enough for the baby to run, play and play The problem can be solved by taking him out to run in the park. Or take him outside So that he doesn’t stress about being in a confined space. But if there is enough space, you should feel comfortable in this section.

Medicines and Vaccines

Issues of Different Drugs and Vaccines It’s an issue that people like us should know. Because if our dog accidentally bites our neighbor Or accidentally bites us. It wouldn’t be a good thing, would it? Therefore, at the end of the vaccination schedule Always bring your dog to the doctor on time. For our own good health When we adopt him, we have to take care of him like our own family.


When we find information about the initial preparation before adopting a younger friend, the friend will have to know a few things that when the dog breeds we raise the older ones. What disease does he usually have? But in large dogs there is a problem with hip dysplasia. Small dogs often have joint problems. Because some dogs get older may gain weight. Your foot cannot bear the weight. It is the cause of bone-related diseases, to be sure.

And this is basic information for those looking to start with dogs. In fact, there are a number of factors that limit the annoyance of catching a puppy. Whether it is the cost of rice Urine mattress price Or the cost of different clothes and toys If you decide to recognize him as part of your family We should take care of him the best we can.