Your boss is pregnant? This is when they need your special care the most. Be well prepared so that the puppies are not at risk. And all you need to do is learn a special regimen to take care of them before and after birth. will provide you with useful information to take care of them during this period.

The prenatal period:

The first is to know if your dog is pregnant. It is difficult to tell if your dog is pregnant until the 9th week of pregnancy. However, just a little careful attention will notice the first change in the breast. The bitch’s breasts will be pink and swollen. This will become more pronounced about 2 to 3 weeks after the female is conceived.

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By the next week, week 4-5, the dog’s waist will get bigger. The belly is round and tight.

When a bitch is pregnant, her temperament, behavior or taste may also change. This is also a sign to make sure they are in pregnancy. And nutrition is also especially important at this time to ensure that the mother dog is always healthy. However, should not increase the diet too soon. At 3-4 weeks before birth, the puppies will grow up quickly. During this time, the mother’s weight also increases by 25-30%. This is also the time when you should provide your food more often, up about 25-30% from before.

About 2-3 weeks before birth, the mother will usually find a nesting location. Therefore, you need to prepare a private, quiet and comfortable place for the mother to lie down first. To ensure that you know the number of puppies in your stomach, you can have your dog X-rays. However, X-rays are only allowed after the mother has brought the ladder about 45 days.

Gentle exercises or walking will help the dog maintain good fitness and health

Picking up a puppy is born:

Normally, a dog about 60-62 days pregnant is born. However, the length of pregnancy also depends on the breed of the dog. During the birth of the mother dog, stay by and help them. Because many dogs are quite clumsy at this. They may crush the puppy or not bite the placenta in time, suffocating him. However, do not be too intrusive. Let them have their own space. You only help when it is absolutely necessary. Otherwise the mother dog can injure you.

Keep an eye on the mother’s birth to make sure the puppies are gone. This is why you need to have a previous x-ray taken to determine it. Usually, dogs lay in groups of 3 to 7, or more. However, there are a few special cases where a single dog is born. And this has a special meaning spiritually, as follows:

Take care of the mother and puppies after giving birth

At this point, congratulations on having a few new members. Make sure their nest is always warm and clean. Puppies already have a mother dog, so don’t worry about them, just take care of the dog. You need to have a diet for the mother dog to produce enough milk for her baby. The current diet should include:

  • Food rich in calories, calcium and phosphorus
  • Has a higher fat content
  • Easy to digest
  • High protein content
  • DHA is beneficial for the brain development of puppies.
  • Provides plenty of iron

Puppies learn to eat

When the puppies are strong, the mother will not have the same appetite as before. At the third or fourth week after birth, the puppies should learn to eat. Start with foods that are soft, smooth and taste like breast milk first. By the sixth or eighth week, the puppies are completely weaned, so the mother’s diet will return to her pre-pregnancy level. At this point, you don’t have to worry about them anymore, spend time playing with them.